
The Computer Image
This is my first animated movie. It was produced during 1978-1979. At that time I had just learned about Computer Graphics. I implemented programs for wire-frame rendering and key-frame animation. The movie was created with this software, output to a plotter and shot frame-by-frame on film. Later, it was transfered to video and shown in the segment "A Bit of History" of the SIBGRAPI 92 Video Festival.
To my knowledge this was the first computer animation made in Brazil.
[ 1' 47'', sound, quicktime movie (12.6 MB)]

Scripts: Motion Test
I produced this animation with "Scripts", a procedural animation system, which I developed in 1985 for my Master's thesis at the MIT Media Lab. This motion test demonstrates the system's capabilities of inverse kynematics and forward dynamics simulation.
[ 20'', quicktime movie (1.1 MB)]

This experimental animation was done in 1989 at Globo TV Network to test a software that I had implemented for implicit blobby surfaces and procedural 3D textures. The soundtrack was specially composed by my friend Paulo Zin. It was shown in the SIBGRAPI' 97 Video Festival.
[ 26'', sound, quicktime movie (4.2 MB)]

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