Referências e bibliografia:

[1] O'Rourke, Joseph – Computational Geometry in C

[2] Ducker, Mike - Matrix and Vector Manipulation for Computer Graphics

[3] Barsky, Brian A.; Bartels, Richard H.; Beatty, John C. - An Introduction to Splines for use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling

[4] TOM McREYNOLDS; DAVID BLYTHE; MORGAN KAUFMANN; ELSEVIER - Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL

[5] Buss, R. Samuel - 3-D Computer Graphics, A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL

[6] Hearn, Donald; Baker, Pauline M. - Computer Graphics, C version

[7] Gerald Farin – Curves and surfaces for aided geometric design, a practical guide

[8] Matt Pharr; Greg Humphreys - Physically-Based Image Synthesis: from theory to implementation

[9] Schenck, Hal – Computational Algebraic Geometry

[10] Luiz Velho; Jonas Gomes - Sistemas Gráficos 3D

[11] Luiz Velho; Jonas Gomes – Fundamentos da Computação Gráfica