Activities in 2000

Visiting Researcher at NYU Media Research Lab
under the NSF/CNPq international cooperation program.

RioArte Fellowships
Member of the Jury on Art and Technology projects.

December, 6-8
Presenting a paper in the Symposium on Mesh Generation and Self-adaptivity.

November, 27
D.Sc. Qualification Exam of Antonio Lopes Apolinario Jr., COPPE/UFRJ
I am the student's co-supervisor.

October, 25
D.Sc. Qualification Exam of Vinicius Moreira Mello, IMPA
I am the student's supervisor.

October, 17-20
Presenting 2 technical papers and 1 panel.

October, 10
Ciclo de Palestras - Central de Produção Multimídia, ECO-UFRJ
Invited talk.

October, 6
M.Sc. thesis on "Espacos de Escala e Deteccao de Arestas" ,
Anderson Mayrink da Cunha, IMPA - Visgraf Lab.
I am the thesis advisor.

October, 4
M.Sc. thesis on "Segmentacao de Sequencias de Imagens por Morfologia Matematica" ,
Franklin Cesar Flores, IME - USP.
I am a member of the Thesis Committee.

September, 29
D.Sc. thesis on "Analise de Interferencia de Corpos de Geometria Arbitraria em Animacao Baseada em Modelos Fisicos", Luis Antonio Rivera Escriba, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
I am a member of the Thesis Committee.

September, 18-22
Visual 2000
I am a member of the Program Committee .

September, 11-15
XXIII CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional
Teaching the course on Optimization Methods in Graphics,
with Paulo Carvalho, Luiz Henrique Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes.

August to November
Course on "Image Processing for Computer Graphics" ,
I am teaching this course at IMPA with Ralph Teixeira. (course page)

August and September
Paisagem Carioca
Participating of this Exhibit at MAM with Visorama

August, 7
Comision de Informatica Argentina - (CONICET)
Participating in the executive meeting as a member of this commission.

July 31 - August 4
First Latin American Congress of Mathematicians , IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.
I was invited to teach the course on Image Processing and Wavelets , with Paulo Cezar Carvalho.

July, 24-28
Escola de Computacao 2000 , IME/USP, Sao Paulo
Collaborating with Ralph Teixeira on the course "Introducao aos Espacos de Escala" ,

July, 23-28
SIGGRAPH 2000 , New Orleans.
I am serving on the Papers Committe .

July 15-16
SBC2000 - XX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao , PUCPR - Curitiba.
I was invited to teach the course on Computer Graphics at the
II Curso de Qualidade de Cursos de Graduacao da Area de Computacao .

June 29 - July 4,
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces , Oslo.
Presenting a paper on the Applications of Subdivision Techniques minisymposium.

June 20
D.Sc. thesis proposal on "Multiresolution Inclusion in Arbitrary Dimensions", Luciano Silva, IME / USP
I am a member of the Supervising Committee.

May 3-5
COMPUTER ANIMATION '2000 , Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.
I am a Member of the Program Committee.

April, 10
M.Sc. thesis on "QuadLOD: Uma Estrutura para a Visualizacao Terrenos", Rodrigo Toledo, PUC-Rio.
I am the thesis advisor.

March, 31
M.Sc. thesis on "Computing Discrete Minimal Surfaces", João Paulo Bento, COPPE / UFRJ.
I am a member of the Thesis Committee.

March, 22
D.Sc. Qualification Exam of Marcelo Medeiros Carneiro, PUC-Rio.
I supervised the monograph on volumetric rendering.

March to June
Course on "Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems" ,
I teach this regular course during the first term at IMPA.

March, 6-10
Workshop on Subdivision in Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics , Dagstuhl.
I was invited to give a talk on 4-8 Meshes and Subdivision Surfaces.
