Activities in 2009

December, 21
PhD thesis defense on "Simulation of flows with floating particles", Marcos Lage (PUC-Rio),
Member of Thesis Committee

October, 30
PhD thesis defense on "Rhythm-Controlled Automata Applied to Musical Improvisation", Sergio Krakowski (IMPA),

October 11-14
Program Committee Member

October 11-14
WEPG 2009
Program Committee Member

October, 9
PhD thesis defense on "Learning Head Movements", Anderson Mayrink (IMPA),

October 4-8
SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling
Program Committee Member

Sept, 8-11
CNMAC 2009
Course on Metodos Matematicos e Computacionais em Musica

Sept, 7-9
IMA Mathematics of Surfaces XIII Conference
Programme Committee member

August to November
Course on "Fundamentals and Trends in Image Processing" ,
Teaching this course during the second term at IMPA.

July, 27-31
27 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica
Course on Compresive Sensing

July, 24
Ms. Thesis defense, "Reducao de Ruido em Imagens", Andre Targino Costa (COPPE/UFRJ),
Member of Thesis Committee

July, 15-17
Symposium on Geometry Processing
Member of the program committee

July, 1
Qualification Exam, "3D Reconstruction", Fernanda Andalo (UNICAMP),
Committee Member

July, 1
Ms. Thesis defense, "Esquema Hibrido para Amostragem de Mapas de Iluminacao em Renderizacoes Foto-Realistas", Aldo Rene Zang (IMPA),

June 26-28
SMI'09 (Shape Modeling International Conference)
PC member

June 17-19
CASA (Computer Animation and Social Agents)
Program Committee member

April - June
"Workshop on Panoramas and Narratives" ,
Organizing this workshop during the first term at IMPA.

March to June *
Course on "3D Graphics Systems" ,
Teaching this course during the first term at IMPA.

February, 5-8
GRAPP 2009
Program Committee member

January, 15
Ms. Thesis defense, "Using Line Integral Convolution to Render Effects on Images", Ricardo Castaneda (IMPA),
Member of Thesis Committee

February 2-5
Short Course on "Parametric Pseudo-Manifolds and Applications" ,

January, 15
PhD thesis defense on "Solid Topology", Esdras Medeiros Filho, (IMPA),

Past Activities
