Activities in 1997

Paper Award
I received a Honors Award, in November 97, from the Second Compaq Award for Research and Development in Computer Science for the paper "Graphical Objects".

Video Award
I received a prize, in October 97, for the best technical video at the Sibgrapi 97 Video Festival with the video "Pairwise Clustering Quantization".

Book on "Image Processing for Computer Graphics"
Springer Verlag is publishing my book with Jonas Gomes.

Course on "Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems"

Sibgrapi 97 Program Committee
I am serving as a committee member of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing.

Special Issue of JBCS
Guest editor of the special issue on Computer Graphics and Image Processing of the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society.

SIGGRAPH'97 Participation
I am a lecturer in the course " Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects".
I am also presenting a Technical Sketch: " Texturing Implicit Surfaces with Particle Systems ".

Participation at the 21° Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
I am a lecturer in the course " Wavelets: teoria, sofware e aplicações".

CGI'97 Program Committee
I am in the program committee of Computer Graphics International 97.

Last Update: Thu 20 Aug 1998, 12:45:49 PM by lvelho.