Activities in 1999

MS Thesis Committee
Alexandre G. Ferreira, "Multiple Display Viewing Architecture for Virtual Environments over Heterogeneous Networks" , Thesis defense on December 1999, PUC-Rio.

PhD Thesis Committee
Cicero Augusto Mota Cavalcante
"Processamento Geometrico de Imagem", Thesis defense on November 1999.

Graphics and Geometry Group, Princeton University.
Giving a talk on Variable Resoultion 4-K Meshes

Media Research Lab, New York University.
Giving a talk on Quasi 4-8 Subdivision Surfaces

Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
Presenting a paper on Subdivision Surfaces

Presenting 2 papers on Modeling and Animation, and 2 posters on Image Analysis.

Eurographics Multimedia 99
Presenting a paper on Video Segmentation

The Fourth International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces
Member of the Program Committee

Course on "Numerical Analysis"
I am teaching this course at IMPA from August to November.

Sixth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
Teaching short course on "Wavelet Transform" with Jonas Gomes

I am serving in the "Papers Committee", and chairing the session on Texturing
Also, co-organizer of the course "From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets" with Jonas Gomes

22° Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
co-organizer of the special session on Computer Graphics with Jonas Gomes
course on "Metodos de Otimização e suas Aplicações em Computação Gráfica" , (slides)

Course on Wavelets
Teaching this short course for geophysicists at Petrobras , from 21 to 25 of June.

III Seminario de Cinema e Televisão do Mercosul
Speaking in the Panel "Novas Tecnologias do Audiovisual no Mercosul"

II Mostra Petrobras de Realidade Virtual
Presenting the Visorama Project

Course on "Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems"
I am teaching this regular course at IMPA from March to June.

MS Thesis Reader
Kenneth B. Russell,
IMPS: Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Animated Character
May 1999, MIT/Media Lab, Synthetic Characters Group.

MS Thesis Committee
Mário da Silva Guimarães Neto,
"Caracterizando Refinamentos e Simplificações em Malhas por Operadores Morfológicos"
Thesis defense on April 1999, IMPA.

MS Thesis Committee
Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque,
"Cenários Virtuais com um Estudo de Sincronismo de Câmera"
Thesis defense on April 1999, PUC-Rio.

MS Thesis Committee
Vinicius Mello,
"Representacao Multiescala de Objetos Implicitos",
Thesis defense on April 1999, Universidade Federal da Bahia.

PhD Thesis Committee
Jose Maria Ribeiro Neves,
"Visualizacao Volumetrica de Campos Escalares Definidos em Triangulacoes Regulares"
Thesis defense on January 28, COPPE-UFRJ.

Patent on Color Halftoning
Granted in January 5th.

Book Computação Gráfica, Volume 1
I am co-author of this book with Jonas Gomes. Published in January.

Last Update: Mon 03 Jan 1900, 07:42:53 PM by lvelho.