Activities in 1999
- MS Thesis Committee
Alexandre G. Ferreira,
"Multiple Display Viewing Architecture for Virtual Environments over Heterogeneous Networks"
Thesis defense on December 1999, PUC-Rio.
- PhD Thesis Committee
Cicero Augusto Mota Cavalcante
"Processamento Geometrico de Imagem", Thesis defense on November 1999.
Graphics and Geometry Group, Princeton University.
Giving a talk on Variable Resoultion 4-K Meshes
Media Research Lab, New York University.
Giving a talk on Quasi 4-8 Subdivision Surfaces
Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
Presenting a paper on
Subdivision Surfaces
2 papers on Modeling and Animation,
2 posters on Image Analysis.
Eurographics Multimedia 99
Presenting a paper on
Video Segmentation
The Fourth International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces
Member of the
Program Committee
- Course on
"Numerical Analysis"
- I am teaching this course at IMPA from August to November.
Sixth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
Teaching short course on
"Wavelet Transform"
with Jonas Gomes
I am serving in the "Papers Committee", and chairing the session
Also, co-organizer
of the course
"From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets"
with Jonas Gomes
22° Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
co-organizer of the
special session on Computer Graphics
with Jonas Gomes
course on
"Metodos de Otimização e suas Aplicações em
Computação Gráfica"
Course on Wavelets
Teaching this short course for geophysicists at
from 21 to 25 of June.
III Seminario de Cinema e Televisão do Mercosul
Speaking in the Panel
"Novas Tecnologias do Audiovisual no Mercosul"
II Mostra Petrobras de Realidade Virtual
Presenting the
Visorama Project
- Course on
"Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems"
- I am teaching this regular course at IMPA from March to June.
- MS Thesis Reader
Kenneth B. Russell,
IMPS: Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Animated Character
May 1999, MIT/Media Lab, Synthetic Characters Group.
- MS Thesis Committee
Mário da Silva Guimarães Neto,
"Caracterizando Refinamentos e Simplificações em Malhas por Operadores
Thesis defense on April 1999, IMPA.
- MS Thesis Committee
Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque,
"Cenários Virtuais com um Estudo de Sincronismo de Câmera"
Thesis defense on April 1999, PUC-Rio.
- MS Thesis Committee
Vinicius Mello,
"Representacao Multiescala de Objetos Implicitos",
Thesis defense on April 1999,
Universidade Federal da Bahia.
- PhD Thesis Committee
Jose Maria Ribeiro Neves,
"Visualizacao Volumetrica de Campos Escalares
Definidos em Triangulacoes Regulares"
Thesis defense on January 28, COPPE-UFRJ.
- Patent on
Color Halftoning
- Granted in January 5th.
- Book
Computação Gráfica, Volume 1
- I am co-author of this book with
Jonas Gomes.
Published in January.
Last Update:
Mon 03 Jan 1900, 07:42:53 PM
by lvelho.