Image rendered using mixed illumination mapping. The algorithm is presented in the paper "Sistema Composto para Amostragem e Geracao de Luzes a partir de Mapas de Iluminacao" Published in the back cover of the Proceedings of WTDCGPI. SBC, 2008
Image showing a decomposition of a Dog model. The technique is presented in the paper "A Hierarchical Segmentation of Articulated Bodies". Published in the backc over of Computer Graphics Forum, 27(5), 2008.
Image produced with color quantization algorithm described in the paper "Color image quantization by pairwise clustering" . Published in the back cover of the SIBGRAPI'97 Proceedings. (more images) See Goofy Walk , also published in the back cover.
Image rendered from polygonal approximation of an implicit surface. The polygonization algorithm is presented in the paper "Simple and Efficient Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces". Published in the cover of Journal of Graphics Tools , volume 1, number 2, 1996.
Image generated with fractal filter described in the paper "Image Effects Using Contractive Mappings" . Published in the frontspiece of the SIBGRAPI'96 Proceedings (pdf) . See Tropical Birds , published in the back cover of the SIBGRAPI'96 Proceedings (pdf) . See also Strange Racing , made with the same technique.
Image showing the polygonization of two tori described in parametric and implicit form. It was used in the Vigraf Project website. Also published in the Poster of the Workshop on Gemetric Modeling.
Image produced with ray tracing software that I developed for Fantastic Animation Machine, Inc. It was used to illustrate an article on applications of computer graphics, published in Revista Ciencia Hoje (1989).
Image from a periscope simulator software that I developed for Globograph. It employs procedural rendering methods of clouds and ocean. Published in Revista Dados e Ideias, as part of an article about the company (1987).
Image created with a polygonal modeler and scanline renderer that I developed for Fantastic Animation Machine, Inc. Published in the cover of Millimeter Magazine , special issue on Graphics (1986).
Image generated with pixilation software that I developed for video special effects on a Apple II. Published in Revista Info as part of an article about Telecine Maruim (1984).
Last Update: Thu 20 Aug 1998, 12:45:49 PM by lvelho.