PUBLICATION AWARDS Graphical Objects (1997) Honorable Mention in the category of scientific work II Compaq Prize of Research and Development in Computing. Awarded by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, MCT and UNIEMP Institute. An Animation System Based on Captured Movement (1999) Advisor of Fernando Wagner's master thesis, which received the prizes: - Second Place in the Competition of Theses and Dissertations of SBC; - Second Prize Award in the VI CLEI-UNESCO Contest on Masters Thesis. Visualization of Three-Dimensional Objects Based on Projective Interpolation (2003) Advisor of the final work of Aldo Nogueira and Elaine Prata at UERJ, - Second Place in the Contest of Scientific Initiation Works, SIBGRAPI/SBC Extracao de Malhas Adaptativas em Multi-resolucao (2003) Adviser of Adelailson Peixoto's doctoral thesis at PUC-RJ Second Place in the Thesis and Dissertations Competition of SBC Approximating Parametric Curves with Strip Trees using Affine Arithmetic (2002) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Fast Stellar Mesh Simplification (2003) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Moving Least Squares Multiresolution Surface Approximation (2003) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Adaptive Deformable Models (2004) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Geodesic Paths on Triangular Meshes (2004) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Multi-Resolution 3D Triangulations for Non-Manifold Heterogeneous Objects (2005) Co-supervisor of Ricardo Marroquim whose work received the awards: - Petrobras Technology Prize, 2005 - Best Master's Degree Work WTD - SIBGRAPI 2005 Shading via Intrinsic Normal Information for Cel Animation (2005) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. GEncode: Geometry-driven compression for general meshes (2005) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Actively Illuminated Objects using Graph-Cuts (2006) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Polygonization of volumetric reconstructions from silhouettes (2006) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Hardware-Assisted CSG Rendering (2006) Advisor of the work of Fabiano Romeiro, Top Finalist - ACM Student Research Competition - SIGGRAPH. Object Reconstruction with Photometric Stereo (2006) Best Poster Award at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Video Calibration for Augmented Reality (2007) Advisor of the dissertation of Bruno Madeira Award of 2nd. Place Master in the Competition of Thesis and Dissertations of SBC Geodesic Bezier Curves: a Tool for Modeling on Triangulations (2007) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. PCA-based 3D Face Photography (2008) Best paper at SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Hermite Interpolation of Implicit Surfaces with Radial Basis Functions (2009) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Pandeiro Funk (2009) Advisor to Sergio Krakowski Finalist at the ACM Student Research Competition, SIGGRAPH. Hybrid Scheme for Illumination Maps (2010) Advisod of Aldo Zang's dissertation, which received the awards: - Best Master's Degree in SIBGRAPI (2009); - Second Prize M.Sc. Dissertation, CLEI Unesco. Guitar Leading Band (2010) Advisor to Marcelo Cicconet Semi-Finalist at the ACM Student Research Competition, SIGGRAPH. ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Environment for Dance Shows (2010) Advisor to Adriana Schulz FAPERJ Master Student Grade 10 Grant. Real-time Terrain Modeling using CPU-GPU Coupled Computation (2011) Advisor to Adrien Bernhardt Semi-Finalist at the ACM Student Research Competition, SIGGRAPH. Filter Based Deghosting for Exposure Fusion Video (2011) Advisor of Alexandre Chapiro Finalist at the ACM Student Research Competition, SIGGRAPH. Base Mesh Construction using Global Parametrization (2012) Advisor of Francisco Ganacim Semi-Finalist at the ACM Student Research Competition, SIGGRAPH. Production Framework for Full Panoramic Scenes with Photorealistic A.R. (2012) Best Paper Award at CLEI-UNESCO. Virtual Table-Teleporter (2012) Award for best paper in the SRV - Symposium of Virtual Reality, SBC. Realistic Shadows on Mobile Augmented Reality (2012) Award for best paper at SRV - Symposium of Virtual Reality, SBC. A Sketch-Based Modeling Framework Based on Adaptive Meshes (2014) Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. Geometry independent game encapsulation for non-Euclidean geometries (2015) Honorable Mention in SIPGRAPI's WIP - Work In-Progress. D-KHT: real-time plane detection in depth images (2017) Eduardo Vera Sousa, Luiz Velho (co-advisor), and Leandro Fernandes (advisor) Best Computer Graphics / Visualization M.Sc. Dissertation Award SIBGRAPI, SBC. DirectVoxGO++: Fast Neural Radiance Fields for Object Reconstruction (2022) Daniel Perazzo, Joao Paulo Lima, Luiz Velho, and Veronica Teichrieb Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images Multiresolution Neural Networks for Imaging (2022) Hallison da Paz, Tiago Novello, Vinicius Silva, Guilherme Shardong, Luiz Schirmer, Fabio Chagas, Helio Lopes, and Luiz Velho Best paper in SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images Neural Implicit Morphing of Faces (2024) Guilherme Schardong, Tiago Novello, Hallison Paz, Iurii Medvedev, Vinicius da Silva, Luiz Velho, and Nuno Goncalves. Best poster award and Best extended abstract presentation - LatinX in Computer Vision Workshop