Baby #5


... and he will be called in Yisrael:
Shalom Dov Ber !
As soon as I saw this boy he had a different energy, a different vibration. --
He was Peace. The word Shalom came attached to him. And I saw that upon his birth.
The Hebrew name Shalom is related to Solomon, and while he did not look like Shlomo,
he does feel like Sol - meu pequeno Solzinho.
We were going to name him only Shalom but decided that he is Shalom Dov Ber
Dov is fierce yet gentle, much like his labor.
I foresee us calling him daily as Sol, Shalom or Dovi.
Welcome to the world Shalomzinho!
Shalom in Hebrew means complete - Shalem
You brought peace and completion to our family.
5 is a special number:
it's differentiation and completion.
A full hand with 5 fingers, the 5 sounds we can make with our mouth, the 5 books of Torah ...
the letter Hey - representing the divine.

Last Update: by lvelho.