Image: Assigments


1 - Get the library libimg.a . Save the file image.tgz , decompress it with gunzip and use tar to create the directory "./i3d/base/image" . Compile and install the library.

2 - Write a program to generate images with the following patterns:

3 - (a) Use XV to display the images in [2]. (b) Write an image display program using the GP library.
Compare the results in (a) and (b), and discuss the limitations of your program.

4 - Write a program to perform gamma correction on an image. Try to determine empirically the gamma factor of your monitor.

5 - Write a progam for quantization. Using the color image patterns in [2], test the program with quantization of 6, 4, 2, and 1 bits.

6 - Write a program for dithering. Using the grayscale image patterns in [2], test the program with quantization levels of 6, 4, 2, and 1 bits.

7 - Write a program to compress an image using RLE. Test it with the images in [2], and verify the compression factors for each image. Explain the results.


8 - Write a program that combines dithering with color quantization. Repeat the tests in [5].

9 - Write a program to convert a color image to grayscale.

10 - Write a program to eliminate the "hot" colors of an image.

11 - Search the WEB for links related to Image Standards.


12 - Design and implement a better color quantization algorithm.

13 - Design and implement a better dithering algorithm.

14 - Design and implement a better image compression algorithm.

15 - Extend the image library to handle true color images.