Rasterization: Assigments


1 - Get the library libraster.a . Save the file raster.tgz , decompress it with gunzip and use tar to create the directory "./i3d/base/raster" . Compile and install the library.

2 - Write a program to rasterize a line using extrinsic subdivision.

3 - Write a program to rasterize a line using intrinsic subdivision.

4 - Write a program to rasterize an sphere using extrinsic incremental scan conversion.

5 - Write a program to rasterize a polygon using intrinsic incremental scan conversion.


6 - Make the programs in (2) - (5) interactive. In (2), (3) and (5), the user should be able to specify the vertices of the polgonal object. In (4) the user should be able to specify the parameters of the primitive (ex. center, radius).

7 - Use programs in (2) - (5) to draw the orthographic projection of primitives and polgonal meshes described in SDL.

8 - Write a program to draw the silhouette lines of implicit primitives using a variation of the extrinsic incremental rasterization method.

9 - Extend the program in (8) to CSG objects.

10 - Extend the programs in assign color attributes to the objects.


11 - Develop a triangle rasterization method using intrinsic subdivision.

12 - Read F. Crow paper on antialiasing and sketch rasterization method with antialiasing.