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simpleShaders.h File Reference
#include <string>

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static const char texturedVertexShader []
static const char texturedFragmentShader []
static const string colorizedVertexShader
static const string colorizedFragmentShader
static char simpleVShaderStr []
static char simpleFShaderStr []
GLubyte transparente []

Variable Documentation

const string colorizedFragmentShader
Initial value:
"precision mediump float; \n"
"varying vec4 v_color; \n"
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" gl_FragColor = v_color; \n"
"} \n"
const string colorizedVertexShader
Initial value:
"attribute vec4 position; \n"
"uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix; \n"
"uniform vec4 color; \n"
"varying vec4 v_color; \n"
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix*(modelViewMatrix*position); \n"
" v_color = color; \n"
"} \n"
char simpleFShaderStr[]
Initial value:
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n"
char simpleVShaderStr[]
Initial value:
"attribute vec4 vPosition;\n"
"uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\n"
"void main()\n"
"gl_Position = position; \n"
const char texturedFragmentShader[]
Initial value:
"precision mediump float; \n"
"varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; \n"
"uniform sampler2D s_texture; \n"
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_textureCoordinates); \n"
"} \n"
const char texturedVertexShader[]
Initial value:
"attribute vec4 position; \n"
"attribute vec2 textureCoordinates; \n"
"uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelMatrix; \n"
"uniform mat4 viewMatrix; \n"
"varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; \n"
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix*(modelMatrix*(viewMatrix*position)); \n"
" v_textureCoordinates = textureCoordinates; \n"
"} \n"
GLubyte transparente[]
Initial value:
{ 128, 0, 0, 128, 0, 128, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 0, 128,
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