Projects and Demos
Memories from New Years
New Year 2024
Fireworks 2022
New Year 2020
Current Research Portals
Neural Media
Expanded Reality / Metaverse
Some Research Projects
Synthetic Data for Machine Learning
Lecture Series of the VISGRAF Seminar.
Ideas Land
New media for children.
Visualization of Covid-19
Light Fields Dataset.
Intelligent Characters
Virtual Egyptology
Ray VR
Immersive real-time Ray Tracing.
Aventuras de Lilith e Wood
VR Puppet Theater
o Boneco
A monologue created by Cegonha.
Expanded Virtual Puppetry for Next Media.
Colaboration on Photography and the Urban Environment.
VR Tour
Meta-narrative virtual reality exploration.
The Tempest
A live theatre performance using cutting-edge technology.
New Realities
Experiences with Multi-Player In-Situ VR.
Experiments with Deep Learning and Art.
Algorithmic Composition
Music based on Complex Network Analysis
A particular regard on Rio 2016 Olympics!
Participatory education experience
Olhar 3D
A sensible view on 3D manifolds.
Motion Creation
Dance performance from motion captured data.
Bringing the museum content to life.
Get inspired, explore and share the Botanical Garden.
Augmented Reality in LuxRender.
Extendend Panoramas
Framework for Photo-Realistic
Rendering of Synthetic Elements in Captured Panoramic Images.
Regard dans les espaces de dimension 3
Exhibit on 3D manifolds.
Mobile Visual Computing
Research on New Media and Interaction on Mobile Platforms.
Stereoscopic Displays
Platfomrm for display of stereoscopic images.
Muan 3D
Pseudo-Holografic Stop-Motion
Authoring for Dance Shows
Motion Scoring
Dance to the Music / Play to the Motion.
Collaboration Project with Hong Kong University
N-Pan Project
Experiments with gigapixel panoramas and narratives.
The Blues Machine
A new music interface/instrument.
Interactive Media and Natural Interfaces
A workshop on new media.
Expressive Trajectories
A project on interactive dance.
Digital Gramophone
Experiments of a project with Ilana Paterman.
3D Museum
Results of a 3D scanning project by Ana Fucs under my supervision.
A Platform for Digital Panoramas.
Animacao em 5 Movimentos
Installation for Cinetico Digital at Itau Cultural, 2005
Results of a
internship project
by Regis Destobbeleire under my supervision.
Texture Synthesis
Results of a internship project by Paul Billault under my supervision.
Texturing Implicit Surfaces using Vector Fields
Description of a method to apply 2D textures onto implicit surfaces.
It includes some
of experiments with the method.
Images, Videos, Etc..
Pictures created with modeling and rendering software that
I developed.
Computer generated animations that I have produced over the years.
Simple Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces
Java applet that demonstrates a polygonization method for
implicit surfaces.
Course Projects
3D Graphics Course
Demos from projects and assignments done by the students of
my course "Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems".
Image Processing Course
Demos from projects by the students of my Image Processing course.
Course on 3D Reconstruction Methods
Demos from projects by the students of the 3D Reconstruction course.
Last Update:
by lvelho.